How You Can Help
It is the generous support of our donors that keeps the program running. We couldn't do it without you!
Kawangware Kids Foundation
501 (c) 3 Non-Profit
Tax ID: 47-3269908
We are looking for an English teacher to work with us in Nairobi in November 2018. Ideally we would like a person who can help us design and implement a syllabus that focuses on comprehension. It is summer in November and thus a good time to visit.
Our US Director, Cheryl Meyers, is available to meet with individuals or groups who would like to learn more about Kawangware Kids. Click the link below, call 503-559-3512 or email Cheryl directly at:
Our Operating Costs
At the Kawangware Kids Foundation we are able to accomplish a lot with our limited budget of $40,000 per year. This budget is used entirely for the program which includes tuition fees, uniforms, textbooks, food, and transportation for our 33 kids as well as office rental, and salary for our paid staff in Kenya.
Kawangware Kids is committed to providing the best education we can for our students. Each primary student needs about $600 a year to cover textbooks, uniforms, fees and transportation. Each secondary student attends a boarding school and their total costs average about $950 a year per student. Yes, you can spend less on education in Kenya as there are many low quality, for profit schools available, but these schools do little to prepare students for further education or finding living wage jobs. All those who are involved with Kawangware Kids, know it will take more then a poor quality education for our students to succeed.
In 2018 we enhanced the quality of our program by:
Enrolling our primary students in a private school with proven academic success
Enrolling two of our secondary students in high level secondary schools
Hiring professional tutors for our secondary students
Introducing computer learning
We would like to do more but need your help to:
Set up a secure learning center with a library and computers
Pay for additional tutoring
Enroll more students in our unique program
How can you help
This year, our costs will increase when our current 8th grade students matriculate to high school. We need donations to ensure we can enroll all of them in quality secondary schools. We estimate the total cost for these five students to be around $5500 for 2019.
We need to a new center that has more space, is secure, and has consistent Wifi. Our current center charges us $100 per month. We estimate that a larger center will rent for about $600 a month. This is an increase of $6,000 per year.
We could also use additional computers for the children's use. With over 25 students a day wanting access, our current two computers just aren't enough. Computers don't have to be new, the refurbished computers we now use work just fine.